Artsage favicon


ArtSage is a small graphics viewer. It displays the image files in a folder tree. ArtSage is freeware for personal non-commercial use.

Features and Options Slideshow (slideshow, timer, windowed/fullscreen/wallpaper, stay on top) Transparency (blend, opacity) Loop (loop/pause/exit, reshuffle) Sort (forward/reverse/random, tree/name/date, case sensitive) Navigate (next/previous w/gears, first, last, current, next/prev folder, mousewheel) Scroll (mouse, arrow keys w/ gears, autoscroll, quiet autoscroll) View (exhibit/favorites/desktop/archive, image folder, link target) Exhibit (folder, refresh, subfolders, hidden folders, autorefresh) Formats (bmp, emf, gif, ico, jpg, png, tif) Find (find/filter/exclude, find next, landscape/portrait, bookmark, goto) Favorites (send shortcut/copy, favorites folder, shortcut/copy to desktop) Archive (move to archive, copy to archive, confirm, archive folder, log) Catalog (thumbsize, hide viewer, show on launch) Standard Catalog (navigation, sort, find, block recycle/archive/favorite) Active Catalog (drag/drop, cut/copy/paste, context menu) Wrap (resize window to wrap around each image) Crop (remove borders and unused background) Squeeze (scale down to fit window/desktop) Shrink (scale down to fit one side) Stretch (scale up to window/desktop) Zoom (in, out, 100%, 1% gear, zoom lock, zoom step, zoom/scale quality, mousewheel) Rotate (rotate, rotate left, rotate lock, aspect filter, flip horizontal, exif orientation) Collage (fixed-size roaming images) Transitions (select effects, overlap) Window (caption, status, tray icon, decor, bg colour, center/roam, corral, draggable, show/hide hotkey, single instance) Presets (save/restore 5 window positions) Layout (image centered, at corners, roaming within window) Fullscreen (caption, cursor, centered/roaming image) Wallpaper (center/tile/stretch, clear, restore) Shell



feh is an X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users. Unlike most other viewers, it does not have a fancy GUI, but simply ...