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A simple, beautiful hotkey manager. Launch applications, execute scripts, run automator workflows and open files or folders. All of this at the press of a key combination. Apptivate 2.0 introduces hotkey sequences, which are simply a sequence of key combinations. In previous versions of Apptivate, you could only bind an item to one key combination/hotkey. In Apptivate 2.0, it's possible to bind one item to something like ^A + T, and another item to ^A + H. To activate one of the items, you simply press the key combinations in order: first ^A and then either T or H. This greatly simplifies your key combinations if you've got a lot of items.



aLaunch is an application launcher of the types to access from menubar.



Multimedia keyboard (with a lot of extra function keys) today are very frequent, but by themselves, these keys are usually no ...