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Cloud-based monitoring service for servers, websites and IT infrastructure No extra hardware or software to buy, install and maintain. Simple to set up and to use. Alerts: instant, reliable and actionable. Reports, graphs, infrastructure dashboard.

Website monitoring Monitor the uptime and performance of your website. Check for DNS, SSL, HTTP, network and application-level problems.

Web application monitoring Use synthetic transactions to ensure visitors can successfully sign up, search, check out, log in and otherwise interact with your website.

Server monitoring Keep an eye on servers’ resources utilization and software performance (CPU, memory, swap, disk, OS processes, log files, and more).

MySQL monitoring Watch over key database performance metrics, such as slow query rate, connection usage, Innodb buffer pool usage, and more.

Network monitoring Keep watch over LAN and WAN connectivity and network devices using ICMP ping, SNMP and TCP checks and other network protocols.