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AB Tasty

AB Tasty helps marketers optimise their websites and increase conversion rates through A/B testing, personalisation and user engagement. Users can easily modify pages and create new designs thanks to our visual editor and our unique library of widgets - AB Tasty Engage. Apply modifications to your website, read statistically accurate results in real-time and improve the user experience. AB Tasty has offices in Paris, London, Cologne, Madrid, Sydney and New York to accommodate clients’ need for prompt support in their own languages. Reach out today! AB Tasty supports all kinds of testing methods.

  • A/B/n and split testing (classic testing)
  • Multivariate testing (combination testing)
  • Multipage (funnel testing) Personalisation at the heart of the tool Beyond testing, AB Tasty allows building segment-based messages and to make the user experience unique. Make the most out of every valuable segment by displaying personalised content. Widget library AB Tasty Engage Using our widget library, you can also add features from scratch. You’ll find pop-ins, surveys, chat functions, countdown banners and lots more to quickly make your site perform better and improve user experience. Cross-device compatibility AB Tasty is fully compatible with mobile, tablet and desktop websites as well as with native mobile applications. Advanced targeting criteria AB Tasty offers multiple criteria to trigger experiments. For example, targeting can be based on weather, geolocation, gender, traffic source, etc. Beyond native criteria, you can reuse third-party data. Combined you can build the targeting scenario that fits your project. Cutting-edge algorithms Results are displayed in real-time and provide a wealth of information: purchase rates, page views, clicks, time spent on site, etc. Confidence level indicators will also help you make statistically informed decisions. See you later, geeks! Getting started is easy. Implementing AB Tasty’s JavaScript tag takes a few minutes!