2048 Hex favicon

2048 Hex

A smart but simple puzzle game about Hexes, Colors and LEDs. Each Hex tile consists of Three Color components: 1 - red, 2 - green, 3 -blue. Combine two Hex tiles of the same color with a simple swipe! • Unlock all 12 Hex tiles! • Three beautiful tilesets available! • Relaxing music! • Game Center Leaderboard! • Simple, Challenging, Addictive!


1 - Swipe 2 - Match 3 - Enjoy


• RGB LEDs • Numbers • Chinese Numbers. If you choose Numbers tileset, you will be given powers of two: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 Combine same numbers to produce greater power of two. You won't have threes or fives in this tileset. But you will have threes, fives and other numbers in Chinese tileset.



XOLT - is an addictive number puzzle game in a beautiful Stonehenge theme.

  • WARNING -. Playing XOLT might increase your IQ!
  • HO ...