Tag: window manager
window manager
window manager
Gridy adds an invisible grid to Windows, so that any window you move or resize is snapped to it. Snapping is enabled with mous ...
Deep Freeze Reboot to Restore Software is the new product line introduced by Faronics, which is offered as Software as a Servi ...
pygrid - Quickly move windows around the an X11 desktop
LiteSwitch X follows the tradition of LiteSwitch as a simple solution for managing open applications using the keyboard. Like ...
Make Windows in caption bar size and recover again. Version 1.5 available. Version 1.1 download is compromised.
Tabbing is an essential feature of modern web browsers. WindowTabs brings the productivity of tabbed window management to all ...
Easily manage windows, including automatic alignment and sizing, pinning and unpinning (set on top), shortcuts to stack and vi ...
Deskovery is an all in one windows manager for OS X.
MultiMonitorTool is a small tool that allows you to do some actions related to working with multiple monitors. With MultiMonit ...